breads,  desserts

Nutella Swirl Brioche

i am alomst sure that Nutella is the thing should be used to make peace around the world dont you think so too ? i mean its the thing all genders and ages love, even if they are not IN LOVE with it they still dont hate it!

i dont know why but i have been thinking about making something with it that involves a " dough" , i made hazelnut cookies before and they were a hit to be honest, perfect cookies to store unbaked which is ideal for a make ahead of time recipes, everyone like EVERYONE loved them and they were full of nutella lol.

So, i started searching for brioche or maybe bread recipes to make it with nutella, i found like 3 or 4 recipes similar to what i was looking for but not 100% what was on my mind, i twisted and mixed this and that, but finally came up with this result that i'm so happy with.

i guarantee you this is very soft and fluffy brioche and rich coz of the generous amount of nutella in each one, get your cup of coffee and enjoy this brioche warm as i did, i swear its worth it :))



( for the dough )

1 cup warm milk

1.5 Tbsp dry active yeast

¾ cup sugar

4 eggs

1 Tbsp vanilla extract

½ cup butter ( room temperature)

4-5 cups flour


( filling )

1.5 cup Nutella


(Egg wash)

1 egg yok

¼ cup milk


In a bowl mix together the warm milk, yeast and 2 Tablespoons of sugar, let it set for 10 minutes till it becomes foamy.

In the bowl of your stand mixer ( using the kneading hook) combine yeast mixture with the rest of sugar, vanilla then start adding eggs one at a time till all well incorporated.

Add the flour starting with 4 cups, knead for a minute then start adding more till you get a soft but not so sticky dough, add the butter in patches while the machine is working to make sure it combines well, knead it for at least 8 minutes.

Form the dough in a ball, place it in a slightly oiled bowl, cover and let it double in size for about 2 hours in a warm place.

On a smooth flat surface, dust some flour and divide the dough into 6 equal parts ( or you can make 2 big swirls by dividing it to 2 ) roll out each part into a rectangular (about 1/2cm thick), apply about 4 Tbsp of Nutella on it and spread it evenly, roll it up from lone side to form a log.

With a sharp knife cut the long length wise, fold each part on the other one then attach the edges to shape a circle, place it on a baking tray with a parchment paper, repeat the process with the rest then cover, allow to double in size this time for about an hour.

Pre-heat oven to 160 C, rack in the middle, mix egg yolk and milk to make an egg wash, brush each swirl with the egg wash then bake till golden brown, remove from oven and allow to cool on a wire rack or it can be server warm

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6 years ago

Can’t wait to try it! Looks great . Good job

5 years ago

i’ll try it for sure, but why u didn’t translate into arabic

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