This is the most popular breakfast dish in all over Libya, it can be eaten with different combinations, the most used are honey and butter or date molasses with olive oil.
its known as a tradition to make Aseeda as a breakfast on our prophet (sala allah alayhi wa sallam) birthday memory, a nice way for the whole family to gather around, it is eaten by hand using 2 fingers, which i have to admit i’m sooo bad in doing it the right way lol.

as for the ingredients, they are more than simple, basically its made out of just water and flour cooked on low heat in a nonstick pan with a continuous kneading using a wooden spoon which requires some muscles specially if its a BIG patch.

another thing i love about my country’s cuisine is the differences between east and west sides, like they both make Aseeda but the west side people will leave it shaped as a dome, while east side people has to make a hole on top of that dome, also families would serve it in 2 two different styles, first they pour melted butter one the sides of the dish and honey just on the hole, others would mix butter and honey then pour it all over the Aseeda.

1.5 cups flour (sifted)
2 cup water
Pinch of salt
Teaspoon of vegetable oil.
1/2 cup pure honey
1/3 cup butter
- Place water in a non- stick high saucepan over heat and bring to boil, add salt and oil then the flour and mix continuously until a soft ball of dough is formed.
- Remove from heat, using a wooden spoon rub the dough against the saucepan’s wall, return to heat again,at this stage if the dough is a bit hard add a little boiled water and continue mixing.
- Repeat the previous steps 3 times until the Aseeda is done (to make sure you can taste the dough using a spoon, if it doesn’t stick in your mouth then it is ready)
- Melt the butter and slightly heat the honey.
- Form the Aseeda dough into a flat round ball as shown in the photo, pour the honey on top and butter around the edges of the dough.

نحطوا المية في طنجرة عالنار و تكون رقبتها شوية عالية و ما تلصقش، اول ما تغلي المية نضيفة الملح و الزيت و بعدها الدقيق و نحركوا في نفس الوقت باستمرار لين تبدا تتكون عجينة رطبة نوعا ما
نرفعوا الطنجرة من عالنار و بكاشيك اللوح ندعكوا العجينة كويس على حواشي الطنجرة و بعدين نردوها عالنار و لو العجينة كانت يابسة شوية ممكن نضيفوا امية ساخة و نستمروا في التحريك
نكرروا العملية هادي 3 مرات و عشان نعرفوا العصيدة جاهزة او لا نضوقو طرف صغير لو ما تلصقش في الفم اذا هي جاهزة
نذوبو الزبدة و نسخنوا العسل شوية بحيث يكون دافي
نشكلو العصيدة على هيئة كورة بس مفطحة شوية و نديرو فيها حفرة من فوق زي الصورة
العسل ينصب في النص و الزبدة في الجنب
1.5 كوب دقيق منخول
2 كوب ماء
رشة ملح
م.ص زيت نباتي
1/2 كوب عسل
1/3 كوب زبدة

follow the recipe step by step by watching it on my Instagram highlights
تقدروا تشوفو خطوات التحضير على الانستجرام في خانة الهاي لايت

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Looks amazing! Thank you ❤️
thank you, glad you liked it
Yum! Can’t wait to try it tomorrow morning – yester Allah! How many servings is the recipe?
serves one person so you can double the recipe as you wish
I watched on Instagram and I am saving it here. I am very excited to try this !?
Loved it